Gift Card (big)

Gift Card (big)

Philippine-Spanish Churches

The churches featured in these note cards are a sampling of the photo collection of the Ortigas Foundation, Inc. Most appear in the Foundation's first publication "La Casa De Dios: The Legacy of Fil-Hispanic Churches in the Philippines", recognized at the 30th National Book Awards.

Most extent Fil-Hispanic churches began as a church of light local materials like bamboo, wood, and thatch; and through the centuries evolved into massive stone churches. Almost all of them were either partially or totally destroyed by fires, typhoons, or earthquakes, and rebuilt several times. It is because of these evolutions that a single date cannot be used to determine the age of the church. These churches underwent repairs and renovations in the 19th century. The term 'earthquake baroque' was coined referring to Philippine churches with reinforced or oversized buttresses.

Gift cards with envelopes.

P 200.00